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[udig-devel] Postgis back in the game, final checks ...

The libs build.xml script was downloading the log4j jar into the wrong location (an invalid directory), problem is now fixed.

No plugin.xmls were harmed in the making of this evenings fixes, we have made it through our demo checklist.

So tag and bag can begin tomorrow morning - there are a few things on the wish checklist (but none are show stoppers).

Actually they are lurking on a whiteboard next to me - here is the list:
- time out for WMS is set too high (non threaded DnD makes this really painful)
- Titles for IGeoResources
- DnD needs to be jobbed (ie threaded in a manner which is can be canceled by the user)
- WMS BBox is always the world (or almost)
- info on WMS seems to fail the second time (wot?)
- WMS visibility (hrm thought this was fixed)
- WMS layer order
- WMS OrthoServer reprojection
- Postgis tab order to avoid port field please

Jody out.

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