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Re: [udig-devel] Problems with Http proxy and re-reading prefs

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 08:25:38 -0800, Jody Garnett
<jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ian Turton wrote:
> >I finally worked out that windows->preferences->install/update was
> >where I could set the proxy details. Every worked fine then until they
> >shutdown and restarted uDig at which point they could no longer access
> >the internet. If they then went to the install/update preferences the
> >boxes for the proxy were correctly filled in but they had to press
> >apply before they took effect.
> >
> >I am I doing something obvious wrong or is this a bug?
> >
> >
> Nope you are doing everything fine - this is a known issue with a
> workaround.
> In the config.ini file you can uncomment a line and set your proxy
> settings once and for all.

I've set that but it doesn't seem to work for the students. 
Ian Turton

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