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[udig-devel] Problems with Http proxy and re-reading prefs

I'm trying to run uDig for my students' practical. However our lab
machines live behind the university firewall so they need to go
through a proxy to access the internet.

I finally worked out that windows->preferences->install/update was
where I could set the proxy details. Every worked fine then until they
shutdown and restarted uDig at which point they could no longer access
the internet. If they then went to the install/update preferences the
boxes for the proxy were correctly filled in but they had to press
apply before they took effect.

I am I doing something obvious wrong or is this a bug?

Another problem I've run into is that even when given a different
workspace (i.e. one the students can write to) uDig insists on being
able to write to
This is a trifle inconvenient but I can overcome it (though I'm not
really supposed to allow students write permission for that disk).


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