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Re: [udig-devel]

Aravind Lakkavalli Hiriyanniah wrote:

  Thanks for the info.
I have installed all the required Jre,JAI but still I have some problem. When I click on eclipse.exe It gives me a warning that Java Advanced Imagaing is not installed. But I am very sure about the installation. How to go about it?

Darn at this point all I can do is repeat the installation instructions:
0) Install the one click installer

Or we should probably figure out what this problem is as well:
1) When you type java -version on the command line what does it say?
2) Is JAVA_HOME env variable set?
3) In regedit what does it say for the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment
- CURRENT_VERSION = 5.0  or maybe 1.4
3.1) Navigate to the folder indicated and check the JavaHome key - should be a directory

Using some combindation of step 1 - 3 you should figure out what directory your JRE is actually using. That is the one we need to install JAI into. If you have more then one JRE the JAI installer lets you pick only one, this suxs but the alternative manual JAI install is documented with a link to the Geotools site.

4) As a last resort copy the JRE you think should work into your eclipse directory - this is what the one click installer does. Eclipse will always use any directory marked JRE rather than do the java home dance.

When I get to work I will find out the actual method eclipse uses to find a JRE on windows and forward the link.

To repeat try step 0) it woudl be great to see udig work on your system, try step 1-4 it would be nice to know what we are doing wrong and fix the instructions.


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