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[udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] UDIG 0.6 short term reprojection targets

I noticed you have reprojection listed as a feature for udig 0.6 and was
planning to ask what you needed Martin and I to do on CTS. Looks like
you beat me to it.

I assume you plan to switch over to the new CTS implementation after
your 0.6 release (when CTS should be better tested). I don't think the
new implementation will be ready to use by next week.

On Wed, 2004-08-12 at 14:25 -0800, Jody Garnett wrote:
> We have been brainstorming the short term target of reprojection support 
> for UDIG 0.6 - thanks for the help Martin BTW.
> Geotools gets tagged w/ this email as well since CRSAuthorty is 
> mentioned as part of this work.
> What we have so far: (x = done, - = not done)
> x CRS Object specified by Viewport
> - CRSAuthority (owned by gt2 CRSService) responsible for keeping a weak 
> referenced cache.
>   When/if Martin/Rueben switch to a small database (hibernate?) for this 
> data structure the api
>    can remain the same.

I have no time to do this right now, and have very limited time next
term. But, your epsg property file gets you most of the benefits of a
java epsg database.

> - Projection UI based on EPSG codes for the first cut, will remember the 
> last EPSG code
>   via plugin settings persistence rather than a back pointer from CRS 
> object to EPSG code.
> x FeatureRenderer reprojection on rendering
> - FeatureRenderer backprojection on info and select
> - ArcGrid import
> - GridRenderer reprojection is needed, based on the J2D renderer model 
> of back projecting
>    points to resample the origional.

I think Martin has some resample code in the GridCoverage classes.

> - GridRenderer backprojection on info and select
> - WMSRenderer reprojection on rendering.
>    Will need to convert from the EPSG codes supplied by the 
> GetCapabilities object
>    to real CRS objects. From there we can use CRS.equals(..) to figure 
> out transformation.
>    To repeat we will not remember the EPSG code for WMS, it will be 
> responsible for
>    maintatining its own mapping for the codes it understands.
> - WMSRenderer backprojection on info and select
> - The back projecting trick can be used by WMS to cover any projections 
> not directly supported
>    by the server.
> Did I miss anything?
> Jody


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