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[udig-devel] Re: First (of many) reproject question

On Thu, 2004-09-12 at 09:31 +1100, Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
> Jody Garnett a écrit :

> > If I messed up on this one I really would like to fix things as soon as 
> > possible because all DataStores, Lite renderer and UDIG
> > are funneling through the CRSService API.  It may be that CRSService 
> > wants to go and live next to all the other CRS code,
> > it operates as a Facade for that module after all....

Or it could stay with data, since it applies CTS to features.

> We will try to move CRS service in the CRS module. There is some step to 
> follow for that:
>    1) Port the CRS authority factories based on WKT property file;
>       Rueben was volonter for that.

I plan to port the authority factories this weekend. It should not take
long. I also started implementing the hotline oblique mercator, but will
make sure the factories get a higher priority.

>    2) Port CRSService itself. Some functionalities of this class may be
>       dispatched in more than one class, especially various CRS factory
>       interfaces and ISO 19107 (geometries) methods. For example the two
>       following methods:
>           CRSService.reproject(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
>           CRSService.transform(Polygon, MathTransform);
>       can be replaced by the following ISO 19107 method:
>           Geometry.transform(targetCRS);
> See:
> As soon as we can, we should abandon JTS in favor of ISO 19107 objects 
> (actually, wraps JTS objects into ISO 19107 wrappers), in which case the 
> above service will be available and replace the two above-cited methods 
> in CRSService. Those CRSService methods are actually workaround for JTS 
> not knowing what CRS and transformations are.
> Note that a guy in our laboratory is just starting to look for wrapping 
> JTS in ISO 19107 objects. But it will take a while before it is ready...
> 	Martin.

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