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Re: [udig-devel] Problem installing JAI on windows

Andrea Aime wrote:

I'm trying to get udig running on windows xp sp2 but I'm having problems
installing JAI... I don't know if this is simply funny or pathetic... anyway, I've installed JDK 1.5, and when I try to run jai-1_1_2-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe I get the following message: "This program requires the installation of Java2 SDK
version 1.3". Eh??? You've got to be kidding :-)

I actually saw this error before! See:
But I could not reproduce it.

My best guess is that you did not reboot after installing JRE 1.5?

I've already tried out the "restart" trick and also added the JAVA_HOME AND JDK_HOME variables to the environment, no luck, always the same message...

So much for my best guess, ou said you installed the JDK 1.5? UDIG only requires the JRE 1.5.
I am sure they hve a different installer for the JAI+JRE vs JAI+JDK.

Any ideas?

Not any good ideas but this is a pickle. Can I ask you to install JRE right across the board? Apparently Justin also solved his problem by taking Java off the path, apparently playing with the PATH (which you probably do if you have JRE_HOME and JAVA_HOME set) override the registry entries associated with java.

run regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\
CurrentVerion = 1.5

If you go in your system 32 directory you will find a java.exe - this is the java.exe that uses the registry to find the "default" JRE. If you have placed *JRE_HOME\bin" ahead of this one you will never use the default JRE.


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