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Re: [udig-devel] stupid questions

Kenneth Simpson wrote:

Hi - I just heard about uDig on the Jump mailing list and decided to check it out. The first obvious problem with uDig is it only runs under two particluar window managers, namely, Windows and Linux/GTK.

Currently we have only prepackaged downloads, the two environments we are testing against..

And it appears to be running in an Eclipse framework - and a basterized one at that.
Erm. We are running the Eclipse Rich Client Platform. It is available as a separate download from the eclipse site. The uDig application can be combined with this download on the platform of your

I don't understand the need to tie a solution to two particular window managers when the solution should be 100% pure Java.

The SWT dependencies on the window manager are already built into Eclipse
- and it runs on every known platform.

At least Eclipse is 99.99% Java (and trivial to port to unknown platforms.)
This is one of the reasons we selected the eclipse framework (see

I'm a little confused - primarily because I'm not using either of the supported Window managers (and not willing waste time doing my home work

What platform are you using? We have hopes to get a Mac for developement in the comming months right now we are dependent on community volunteers. Incidently for linux there are a few additional possibilities: linux/motif and linuc/qt

I'd to get involved but I absolutely no tolerance for platform dependent
solutions (even if it's my perferred platform.) If turns out that I all I need to do is hack the Linux/GTK download and add the SWT libraries for my platform, then why aren't you shipping this release as an Eclipse plugin?

Seems kinda silly to be able to run Eclipse but not be able to run uDig.
Sigh, you are right - we can make a separate uDig download, in Rich Client Platform instructions available. But I really don't want to bundle something up that has not been tested first, we would have to flag it as a "please help us test" or something.


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