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[technology-pmc] AW: [geclipse-dev] Re: RC0 ready

Title: Nachricht
Dear Bjorn
Thank you for reminding us about the review. You noticed correctly that we are nearing the 0.5.0 release. Due to some additional requests, we shifted the final release to september 2007. (see
The reasons for the shift are the following ones:
- The g-Eclipse project decided in spring that we want to be Europa-compatible with our first release candidate 0.5.0 RC0. This created some additional integration effort. Therefore we were a little bit delayed in starting the review process.
- We still have some IP issues open. Markus will adress these in the next few weeks. As our tool rely on  some external libs, these IP issues needs to be adressed before the review.
We will create two intermediate release candidates until the September release.
But we are aware of the review and we would like to ask already to set up the review in september. As far as I know we have to finished the "review slides" until mid of september and then a telco needs to be arranged? Am I right? This will be done in collaboration with emo@xxxxxxxxxxx
So having passed the g-Eclipse review in September, we would be ready to show the framework at the EclipseSummit2007 in Ludwigsburg.
Best regards

Dr. Harald Kornmayer

Institut für wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Postfach 3640
76021 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 7247 82 8600
Fax: +49 7247 82 4972

Project lead of the g-Eclipse project
( /

Member of the D-Grid initiative

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: geclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:geclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Gesendet: Montag, 2. Juli 2007 17:33
An: geclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: technology-pmc
Betreff: [geclipse-dev] Re: RC0 ready

I notice that the g-Eclipse project is nearing a 0.5.0 release [1,2] - congratulations! Please remember that all releases of Eclipse projects (including a 0.5.0 release) must go through a Release Review - make sure you schedule the review in advance so that all the is are dotted and ts are crossed.
Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Director, Open Source Process
Eclipse Foundation

voice:  971-327-7323 (Pacific Time)
email:  bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx

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