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[sumo-user] Simpla example error


I am running a basic example to learn how to use Simpla for platooning but I get an error that I can not figure out what causes it. After a few seconds running the simulation correctly, suddenly I get this error: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getID'".
Attached are the files that I use for the Simpla simulation. 
Any clue on what causes it? Thank you.

    <vTypeMap original="car" leader="t_leader" follower="t_follower" catchup="t_catchup" catchupFollower="t_catchupFollower" />
    <!-- controll all vehicles -->
    <verbosity value="4" ></verbosity>
    <controlRate value="1" />
    <maxPlatoonGap value="15" />
    <catchupDist value="100" />
    <useHeadway value="false" />
    <!-- deactivated -->
    <switchImpatienceFactor value="-1" />
    <platoonSplitTime value="3" ></platoonSplitTime>
    <lcMode original="594" leader="594" follower="514" catchupFollower="514" />
    <speedFactor original="-1" leader="1" follower="1.2" catchup="1.2"/>
<routes xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="";>
    <vType id="car" color="cyan"/>
    <vType id="t_leader" color="yellow"/>
    <vType id="t_follower" color="green" minGap="0.5" tau="0.5"/>
    <vType id="t_catchup" color="red" minGap="0.5" tau="0.5"/>
    <vType id="t_catchupFollower" color="blue" minGap="0.5" tau="0.5"/>

    <flow id="v" type="car" begin="0" number="4" period="2" departSpeed="5" from="996923438#2" to="198753635#1" via="847894695"/>

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