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Re: [sumo-user] CAVs Vehicle's simulation

Thank you so much, Jerry! Okay, I will try the TraCI API. 
Kind Regards

On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 1:53 AM Jerry C via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Simon, 

Have you considered using TraCI API? You can use Python to access TraCI-specific functions which you can use to collect acceleration data at every timestep. You can access TraCI documentation (including simple applications) here. For more specific commands, you can find a list here and here.

A simple command for accessing the acceleration would look something like:

accel = traci.vehicle.getAcceleration(veh_id)

Alternatively, you can choose to subscribe to each vehicle upon injection into the network (info for variable subscription)

You can save the accel value into a dictionary with a key for each veh_id and use matplotlib to create your profile. 

Hope that this helps.


On Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 1:57 PM Simon Hailemichael via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am a new user of SUMO software and I am interested in simulating the traffic flow of fully Connected and Automated Vehicles by adjusting the IDM model parameters. I want to generate acceleration profiles for each vehicle in the simulation. Does anyone have any suggestions or references for this task? I would appreciate any help or guidance. Thank you

Simon Michael 
Road and Transport Engineer

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Simon Michael 
Road and Transport Engineer

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