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Re: [sumo-user] Issues with the lane change model SL2015 with traffic lights

Dear Mirko a SUMO community, 

I was checking the issue, It was because I had not put in the sumocfg file of traffic light scenario, the activation of sublane model using the option  --lateral-resolution.

I added this line, and now the simulation is ok.

thank you very much for your valuable collaboration.

Best regards

Cesar Gonzalez 

On Oct 14, 2023, at 3:47 PM, Cesar Leonardo Gonzalez Pinzon <clgonzalezp@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Dear Mirko,

thank you very much for your valuable collaboration.

Best regards

Cesar Gonzalez 
On Oct 12, 2023, at 8:50 AM, Mirko Barthauer <m.barthauer@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Cesar,


the vehicles decide to change lanes if they can still follow their route on the other lane and if it is advantageous according to the lane change model configuration within the lookahead distance. It may make a difference whether there is a traffic light or a priority intersection and impact the lane change decisions. You can still try to raise the lcSpeedGain parameter to see some reaction.


Best regards




Betreff: [sumo-user] Issues with the lane change model SL2015 with traffic lights
Datum: 2023-10-11T18:13:10+0200
Von: "Cesar Leonardo Gonzalez Pinzon via sumo-user" <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>




Hello dear community of sumo, 
Actually I am working with a city of 4 intersections and multiple lanes (three lanes) for each street (edge). There I am testing two scenarios, the first without traffic lights and second with traffic lights, in both scenarios I am implementing emergency vehicles with the following parameters of lane change model SL2015:
<vType id="Car_emergency" length="5.00" minGap="2.50" maxSpeed="16.67" maxSpeedLat="15.0" 
guiShape="passenger" carFollowModel="IDM" laneChangeModel="SL2015" lcStrategic="-1.0" lcCooperative="-1.0"
lcSpeedGain="1.0" lcKeepRight="0.0" lcOvertakeRight="0.0" lcLookaheadLeft="2.0" lcSpeedGainRight="0.1"
lcSpeedGainLookahead="5.0" lcAssertive="5.5" lcAccelLat="6.5" lcMaxDistLatStanding="2.0" accel="0.8"
decel="4.5" sigma="0.0" tau="1.0" departSpeed="desired" />
Without traffic lights the change lane model on emergency vehicles works well, but with traffic lights the emergency vehicles does not change lane any time.
This picture is without traffic lights in where the model working well.
And also with traffic lights there is a warning: Lane change model did not provide a reason for changing 
<Screen Shot 2023-10-11 at 6.07.13 PM.png>
Best regards 
Cesar Gonzalez 
Doctoral student of Computers Science
Polytechnic university of Valencia 

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