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Re: [sumo-user] DFROUTER Detector type is discarded for most of detectors

Hi Jakob, 

I have downloaded the latest version of and tried to
generate the edge data. But the latest version is showing some error. The
error message is as follows:

C:\Users\Anil\Desktop\SUMO June 30>python
sumo-git/tools/detector/ -d parisdetectors.xml -f
parisflow.txt -o edgedata.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sumo-git/tools/detector/", line 124, in <module>
  File "sumo-git/tools/detector/", line 86, in main
    beginM = int(sumolib.miscutils.parseTime(options.begin, 60) / 60)
TypeError: parseTime() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

Can you please suggest to me what mistake I am making with the new version

The old version of did not consider the temporal flow,
but was working and gave the total flow in the edges. I have attached the

Using the older version of edgeDataFromFlow, I was able to generate the
vehicle (although old version did not take into account the temporal flow
data). How can I check what is the flow after the simulation to compare the
flow with the original flow or edge data? I couldn't use
as I don't have a separate route file.

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