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Re: [sumo-user] Lane change before junction - exclude certain edge as beginning in route with fringe-factor in routeSampler

1) you can set the fringe factor as high as you want (there is no upper limit). This way you can make it very unlikely for routes to start at non-fringe edges
2) route generation and route sampling are completely independent steps. There is no routeSampler option to exclude any routes because you could exclude them from the input: either while generating input routes or in an intermediate step where you perform manual or automated filtering on the routes before you pass them to routeSampler
3) if the problem occurs because vehicles start their routes on the wrong lane of a short edge, this can be avoided by setting the vehicle attribute departLane="best" which makes them start on a lane that is appropriate for their route. This can be done using randomTrips option --trip-attributes or routeSampler option --attributes


Am Sa., 30. Mai 2020 um 02:09 Uhr schrieb Tetris <schmelter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

right before a junction the vehicles change lanes. There are 2 lanes that
only lead to the left and the vehicles on the 2 lanes to the right cause jam
because they wait until they can change onto a left lane.

This is caused by vehicles that start their route on the edge that is quite
short and right before the junction. So I guess those routes should be
excluded in Is there a routeSampler option for that
(searched the wiki for that)? Or even a better solution would be to add the
longer edge before that short edge into those routes.

I used --fringe-factor 10 in randomTrips and there are still edges starting
from the short edge before the junction. Is 10 the highest value for the

Maybe I should join both edges into one long edge? Or I should write a short
script to change the rou-file? Or even just strg+f and replace should work.
But actually fringe-factor should solve it?

Did I use the wrong command?" -n --trip-attributes="type=\"passengerType\""
--additional-file passenger.add.xml -e 3600 -p 0.01 --fringe-factor 10
--route-file osm.rou.xml

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