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Re: [sumo-user] TraCI quits on "Error: bad allocation"

I have experimented some more with my code to find the issue.
I feel like I have found the problem but I am not 100% sure.

My SUMO config has the following parameters at the start of the simulation:

    <device.rerouting.probability value="1.0"/>
    <device.rerouting.period value="300"/>

During the simulation I am trying to "turn off" the rerouting device for
some vehicles so I used the following TraCI function:

*traci.vehicle.setParameter(vid, "device.rerouting.period", "0")*

It seems that setting it to 0 somehow causes the unexpected error.
When I changed it to

*traci.vehicle.setParameter(vid, "device.rerouting.period", "99999")*

everything seems to be working fine but the desired behavior (prevent
dynamic rerouting for specific vehicles) is not happening anymore! 
It seems that setting "device.rerouting.period" to a different value has no
effect because I can see in the "vehroute-output" that vehicles are still
being rerouting by the device with the initial period value.

Here is an example:

This is a snippet of my code for rerouting:

*# Do some travel time adaptation to some edges
traci.vehicle.rerouteTraveltime(vid, False)
# Disable rerouting through the rerouting device so that vehicle will stay
on this route
traci.vehicle.setParameter(vid, "device.rerouting.period", "99999")*

In the "vehroute-output" I still see the following (note the attributes
"reason" and "replacedAtTime"):

*<vehicle id="106840401_5" depart="120.00" color="red" arrival="750.00"
        <route cost="528.38" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="-8590558"
reason="traci:rerouteTraveltime" replacedAtTime="121.00" probability="0"
        <route cost="606.71" savings="899819.02" replacedOnEdge="-4409396#2"
reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="420.00" probability="0"
        <route cost="287.47" savings="75.74" edges="..."/>

I thought this would work based on the documentation I read here:

Is there a different/recommended way for disabling periodic rerouting for
specific vehicles?

Thank you very much!

Best regards

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