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Re: [sumo-user] TraCI quits on "Error: bad allocation"

Thanks for the backtrace
Unfortunately, it was not enough for me to pinpoint the source of the error (even though it points at the rough area).
I will need to replicate the crash on my own machine and would need a suitable scenario (including traci script) for this. The smaller you can make it, the better.
Here is a wild guess though: Are you using multiple threads to run sumo (--threads or --device.rerouting.threads)? In that case, try without these options and see if that fixes the crash.


Am Mi., 20. Mai 2020 um 13:31 Uhr schrieb marcelreppi <marcelreppi@xxxxxxxxx>:
Unfortunately I had already closed that terminal.
I tried running it again but I could not get the exact same error. I will
try to recreate it.

I got a different error though. Here is the stacktrace for it:

Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'joinedS_7', linkIndex 16 has no controlling
Step #1600.00 (4ms ~= 250.00*RT, ~1750.00UPS, TraCI: 4ms, vehicles TOT 26
ACT 7 BUF 0)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
MSVehicleDevice::getNumericalID (this=0xd4dad01) at
77              return myHolder.getNumericalID();
(gdb) bt
#0  MSVehicleDevice::getNumericalID (this=0xd4dad01) at
#1  0x0000000008afcd0e in
ComparatorNumericalIdLess::operator()<MSDevice_Tripinfo> (
    this=0x9133220 <MSDevice_Tripinfo::myPendingOutput>, a=0xd5b8730,
    at /home/mazel/sumo-1.6.0/src/utils/common/Named.h:41
#2  0x0000000008afc3bc in std::_Rb_tree<MSDevice_Tripinfo const*,
MSDevice_Tripinfo const*, std::_Identity&lt;MSDevice_Tripinfo const*>,
ComparatorNumericalIdLess, std::allocator<MSDevice_Tripinfo const*>
>::_M_get_insert_unique_pos (
    this=0x9133220 <MSDevice_Tripinfo::myPendingOutput>,
__k=@0x7ffffffed1f8: 0xd5b8730)
    at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_tree.h:2095
#3  0x0000000008afba9a in std::_Rb_tree<MSDevice_Tripinfo const*,
MSDevice_Tripinfo const*, std::_Identity&lt;MSDevice_Tripinfo const*>,
ComparatorNumericalIdLess, std::allocator<MSDevice_Tripinfo const*>
>::_M_insert_unique<MSDevice_Tripinfo const*> (
    this=0x9133220 <MSDevice_Tripinfo::myPendingOutput>,
__v=@0x7ffffffed1f8: 0xd5b8730)
    at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_tree.h:2147
#4  0x0000000008afb627 in std::set<MSDevice_Tripinfo const*,
ComparatorNumericalIdLess, std::allocator<MSDevice_Tripinfo const*>
>::insert (this=0x9133220 <MSDevice_Tripinfo::myPendingOutput>,
__x=@0x7ffffffed1f8: 0xd5b8730)
    at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_set.h:520
#5  0x0000000008af5de2 in MSDevice_Tripinfo::buildVehicleDevices (v=...,
into=std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {...})
    at /home/mazel/sumo-1.6.0/src/microsim/devices/MSDevice_Tripinfo.cpp:89
#6  0x0000000008a9908b in MSDevice::buildVehicleDevices (v=...,
into=std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {...})
    at /home/mazel/sumo-1.6.0/src/microsim/devices/MSDevice.cpp:100
#7  0x0000000008896715 in MSBaseVehicle::initDevices (this=0xd4daf60) at
#8  0x0000000008828994 in MSVehicle::initDevices (this=0xd4daf60) at
#9  0x0000000008870647 in MSVehicleControl::initVehicle (this=0x922e7e0,
built=0xd4daf60, ignoreStopErrors=false)
    at /home/mazel/sumo-1.6.0/src/microsim/MSVehicleControl.cpp:123
#10 0x00000000088705ca in MSVehicleControl::buildVehicle (this=0x922e7e0,
defs=0xd4eb3f0, route=0x9284c50, type=0x922e0f0,
    ignoreStopErrors=false, fromRouteFile=true) at
#11 0x00000000089308b0 in MSRouteHandler::closeVehicle (this=0xc58ace0)
    at /home/mazel/sumo-1.6.0/src/microsim/MSRouteHandler.cpp:727
#12 0x0000000008933207 in MSRouteHandler::closeTrip (this=0xc58ace0) at
#13 0x0000000008d0f062 in SUMORouteHandler::myEndElement (this=0xc58ace0,
    at /home/mazel/sumo-1.6.0/src/utils/vehicle/SUMORouteHandler.cpp:266
#14 0x0000000008d5d3c1 in GenericSAXHandler::endElement (this=0xc58ace0,
qname=0xcd792f0 u"trip")
    at /home/mazel/sumo-1.6.0/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:154


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