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Re: [sumo-user] Realistic Simulation with traffic data and calibration

I tried the systematic approach for one of the junctions and it was totally
fine, no traffic jam at all. So I will take a closer look on all the other
junctions one by one. 

In general, is it better to have a network with only junctions in it that
have turncounts or is it better to have a bigger network to create realistic
I am asking because I am going to change every connection and tlsIndex in
Netedit and if I use the minimal network I would have to do it all over
again for the bigger network if the bigger network leads to a more realistic
traffic flow. I guess the best approach is to change every junction in
Netedit for the bigger network and choose afterwards. 

Another question: is it necessary to create pedestrian lights and phases for
them to get realistic traffic flows or is it sufficient to define traffic
lights just for vehicles? There are no pedestrians in the simulation and I
am just interested in results for travel time and acceleration of my egoCar. 

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