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Re: [sumo-user] Route starting at edge <edge> could not be closed

Hi Jakob,

Thank you so much for your answers! I had a feeling it had something to do with cars caught in loops. I had mistakenly included the inductionLoop in JTRROUTER instead of the main SUMO program; now it works.

You might be interested to know that the SUMO network I sent you is for the main road going into Google's headquarters. Every morning the roads in this area are filled beyond capacity, a result of shortsighted planning by our city governments.
The city planners hire traffic consultants, but these consultants don't use micro simulation to analyze the impact of future projects! As a result, they always conclude that there will be no significant impact from the additional projects.

Thanks to SUMO, I now have a tool that I can use to try and convince the city leaders that unless they change how they look at the traffic problem, the problem will get much much worse!

Thank you for your support of this software, and please convey my thanks to the developers for making such a great tool available to ordinary people.

Best regards,
Albert Jeans (retired mechanical engineer)

On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 2:23 AM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
the error occurs whenever a route goes in circles for too long before reaching a sink edge. This is just a matter of probability.
You can safely suppress this error by setting option --accept-all-destinations

To load induction loops into the simulation add sumo option -a inductionLoop.xml


Am Di., 1. Okt. 2019 um 00:33 Uhr schrieb Albert Jeans <ajeans2@xxxxxxxxx>:

I've been getting this error message sporadically even though I can find nothing wrong with my network and it sometimes runs okay. Small changes like changing the input flows, turn ratios, or even road speeds, can cause the error to occur or not occur. I'm using turn ratios and JTRROUTER. Sometimes the error occurs towards the very end of JTRROUTER's processing (3595 seconds out of 3600). Are there some general guidelines on what can cause this error to occur?

By the way, I haven't been able to get inductionLoops to work either. They don't appear in the simulation and no files are generated either. Am I missing something?

Albert Jeans
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