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Re: [sumo-user] Creating pedestrian crossings

It should work if there is at least one lane which forbids pedestrians for each of the edges being crossed so I suspect your permissions must be adapted somewhere.
If that's not the case, send me the network so I can take a look.


Am Mi., 10. Apr. 2019 um 16:21 Uhr schrieb Ákos Kész <keszakoska@xxxxxxxxx>:

I would like to create seperated pedestrian crossings on a junction, as shown on the image below.
The problem is that when i try to create one, i get the following error message: "Warning: Discarding invalid crossing ':gneJ99_c3' at junction 'gneJ99' with edges 'gneE76 gneE75 gneE78' (no vehicle lanes to cross)."
It won't let me create a crossing unless I add a reverse direction for the lanes. Is there a way to add crossings that can have TLS without adding reverse directions to the lanes?

Thank you in advance!
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