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Re: [sumo-user] GUI rendering issues on some computers


FOX support for raster images

  • Using recent development versions (>1.1.0, self-compiled or downloaded), no raster images can be processed for background, PoI, ... anymore
  • Older SUMO versions feature FOX support
  • Very computer-specific: Happens on one of two Win7 PCs with the same hardware
Is there an error message?
Does the the error occur with different image formats?

Invisible vehicles when setting the color by TraCI

  • A vehicle is added using the TraCI call and set to red color right afterwards
  • The vehicle shape is not drawn = invisible, but the vehicle exists (can be tracked, shows blinkers)
  • Happens only on a specific computer but not on others (not the same as above)
This might be related to alpha=0 and some computers ignoring alpha due to graphics driver issues.
What client did you use and how did you construct the color object?

best regards,

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