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Re: [sumo-user] TraCI4Matlab fix

Dear Magnus.

TraCI4Matlab should work without commenting those lines, provided that you configured your static javaclasspath according to the documentation. Those lines configure TraCI4Matlab with the Matlab's dynamic java path. We recommend to use the static java path.

Best Regards!

2017-12-08 5:00 GMT-05:00 Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Thank you for letting us know.
I'm forwarding your mail to the maintainer of TraCI4Matlab so it can be fixed.

2017-12-08 9:28 GMT+01:00 Magnus Bengtsson <magnus.bengtsson@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi, I got a really annoying error when using TraCI4Matlab in SUMO ver 31.

Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown

And when I looked in to the files in the +traci folder I discovered that init.m had commented out the following lines


[pathstr,~,~] = fileparts(which('traci.init'));

javaaddpath([pathstr '\..\traci4matlab.jar']);


These two lines were used in the version 25, that was a version that worked for me and that’s why I started to do file comparison.


So when taking them back in code the simulation started to work again.


Kind regards


Magnus Bengtsson
Associate Professor                                
Department of Industrial and Material Sciences

Divison of Product Development
+46(0)31 772 50 19

+46(0)733-16 41 24 (mobile)



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