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[sumo-user] Traci Traffic Signal Manipulation

I hope this finds everyone well.

I have some queries to ask;
1) at some instances where traffic signals have 4 edge there are more than
4 lights, that is state is something like="rrrGGrr" , where 1 way has 1
light and rest of the three have two lights each. My question is, how do I
find out which light corresponds to which edge. ( I am working on dynamic
phase duration manipulation).

2) at some of the signals, there are two blockages at the same time, for
example, a car has just passed the signal and now waiting again at the
middle of the junction and light is red again for that car. (which
sometimes lead to bad logic, when even though all roads are empty, only 1
car is passing at a time)

I hope I have cleared my queries .

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