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[sumo-user] Traci stopping on route with duplicate edges



I am using the Traci python library to connect to Sumo. I am using Traci to reroute vehicles through the network. I have encountered a strange situation where I am on a particular edge, say “A”, at a certain position, say 100. I am rerouting a vehicle to go to the same edge at a position slightly before e.g. edge “A” with position 50. So my new route would look as follows: [A, B, C, D, E, …, F, A]. I would like the vehicle to stop on edge “A” at position 50 (i.e. the last edge in the route).


However, I get an error from SUMO: “traci.exceptions.TraCIException: End position on lane must be after start position.”. Is there a way to specify which index on the route to stop on, or in general a way to avoid this error?


Many thanks,




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