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[sumo-user] Jaywalking



I am interested in simulating pedestrians which cross the street at random locations, without crosswalks or lights, and without shutting down the entire street -- just getting vehicles to slow down for them as usually happens on city streets.


This does not appear to be possible with current features.


What I am thinking I would like to do is --when triggered, and while on an edge with sidewalks on both sides-- have a pedestrian's lateral in-lane position increment to move them sideways off of the sidewalk lane, and across the vehicle lanes until it is positioned on the other sidewalk, and then switch it to being on that other sidewalk, walking in the opposite direction, at that location.


Would this be a valid approach? Would there be problems with it?


Would it be enormously difficult to accomplish? Could it be done purely via the TraCI interface?


Would vehicles detect the pedestrian in their path while the pedestrian was crossing the road, and slow down accordingly? I would hope it would work similarly to how the other cars react to the presence of the custom car in this video:


Thank you for your help!




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