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Re: [stp-dev] Idea on Integrating a New Policy tool for GSoc'09'

did some digging into WTP Editor and XEF code .  I also went through the sample editors you have mentioned for dOsgi . Though i'm not fully aware of the actual flow of things happening , what i do get in  the abstract sense is that,  we are providing XMLProviderEditorInput (or an impl of FileEditorInput) to  IDE's openEditor method in order to dynamically generate editor UI's from schemas provided. I think ISchemaProvider Callback interface would be a good place to start with , in standards support implementations . i'm not sure how EditorInput takes the implementations out using Adaptor Factories ,as mentioned ..need to do some further exploring on that..

Also not too sure of the extension points i'm are going to be using of the ui . One of it will it be 'org.eclipse.ui.editors' ,am i correct ? (can u also  point me to these schemas of these extension points as well..i couldn't locate these places .) Further i would like to know about the build tools used for creating Eclipse plugins as well (i hv used maven2 based plugins(Bnd) for creating OSGi comps before..but i guess Eclipse dnt use tht.. ) I would also very much appreciate if you could provide me some resource links with regarding above aspects as well..

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