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Re: [stp-dev] Idea on Integrating a New Policy tool for GSoc'09'

Hi Oisin,

Thanks a lot for giving me feedback regarding my proposal for GSoc 09..Regarding the facts you have pointed out ,
 (1) The policy builder l i have proposed  is a  tool  that reads a SOAP file and derives single/multiple Policies based on that.( Coz there may be situations where  Multiple mutually exclusive policies can be derived from a single SOAP instance) . Yes you were right,this is kind of a reverse engineering thing if we consider what usually happens is building a SOAP according to a policy file .It will be usefull in web services scenarios such as for  clients to build a compatible policy reading the soap messages coming from the Service side ( if the web service itself don't wish to publish it's policies.. ),etc. So i was thinking like ,if this tool can be integrated with STP Policy Editor it would be quite a good feature where we can directly feed the output of the policy derivation tool to STP Policy Editor where users can edit the derived policy/policies to their liking (ie:- add, edit delete policy assertions) as policy editor supports rich functionality for such work . I think in the process of integrating this we may  also need a small UI for this  to coexist with STP Editor .Also it's possible to integrate such a tool with a SOAP montor interface (such as apache commons TCP-Mon..).

(2)   Yes, i was thinking kind of same thing.It will be better if we can give out the capability for correctly displaying standardized WS specs such that policy editor will be aware of different specs such as WS-SEC,WS-RM,MTOM,Addreesing,etc when user wants..Making this configuration available will be very a very nice addition. Also i'm hoping to make STP policy editor configured for other minor adjustments such as making it compatible for other WS policy constructs (such as WSP:ExactlyOne) which i think currently does not support , and ability to edit/construct policy instances without manually creating a policy file ,etc..I'm also open to other suggestions on STP Policy Editor if you have some in mind..

I hope this has given you some idea on my proposal . However  I would kindly like to know the feasibility and the scope for the final analysis ,  in doing this as a Gsoc project for Eclipse STP project. Thank you again for your concern regarding this idea..


PS: sorry for da previous mail..i mistakenly sent it half completed..

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