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[science-iwg] STEM


While this meaning  of STEM by O'Reilly is not to be mistaken for Eclipse STEM, it meets ideas and objectives of this WG and projects involved (not just STEM) rather well I'd say. 


STEMming the Tide

STEMFor the last few years, one of the major pushes in US education has been to increase the number of students entering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields. This has been promoted as a critical step toward keeping America competitive in high tech, medicine, and science.

But recently, some have started to question whether there's really a shortage of STEM-capable workers. The argument goes that colleges and universities promote the myth to get more funding, and industry supports that to keep wages down by flooding the market with workers.

Do you think we have a STEM shortage, or is it all hot air? Give us your opinion at mailto:programming-newsletter@xxxxxxxxxxx?subject=Programming Newsletter - Do you think we have a STEM shortage?, or share your answer on Twitter, hashtag #ormprog.

The Programming Newsletter Team

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