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  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Glyn Normington has been approved by the PMC, (continued)
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for John W Ross has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5083] Apache Felix Gogo Version: 0.8.0, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for John W Ross, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Glyn Normington, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5082] Logback Core Version: 0.9.19 (using Orbit CQ3861), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Fwd: [osgi_adopters] Invitation to Participate in OSGi Product Spotlight Program, Ian Skerrett
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Vikram Bhatia has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for John Bracken has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Pascal Filion has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Vikram Bhatia, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for John Bracken, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Pascal Filion, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] RT BoF moved to Tuesday (TONIGHT), Jeff McAffer
  • [rt-pmc] BoF at EclipseCon, Jeff McAffer
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5014] javax.annotation Version: 1.1, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5013] Java Unified ExpressionLanguage Reference Implementation Version: 2.2.1-b05, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5012] Java Unified Expression Language Version: 2.2, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] PMC meeting minutes., Thomas Watson
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Tobias Liefke has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Tobias Liefke, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4995] Apache Solr Common Version: 1.4 (PB CQ3732), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4994] Apache Solr Java Client SolrJ Version: 1.4 (PB CQ3734), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4992] Logback Classic Version: 0.9.27 (ATO CQ4824) (using Orbit CQ4827), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4991] Logback Core Version: 0.9.27 (ATO CQ4825) (using Orbit CQ4826), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Gemini DBAccess graduation and release, Kissner, Juergen
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4979] Jackson JSON Processor Version: 1.6.0 (ATO CQ4511) ( using Orbit CQ4513), emo-ip-team
  • Re: [rt-pmc] WG: [smila-dev] Co-lead: Switch, Wayne Beaton
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4947] Apache Zookeeper Version: 3.3.1 (using Orbit CQ4570), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Gemini JPA graduation and release, Mike Keith
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4901] EasyMock Version: 3.0 (PB CQ4630), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4852] Virgo IDE, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Exemption for Spring IDE CQ 4838 [was: Fwd: Spring IDE CQ 4838], Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4888] Apache Zookeeper Version: 3.3.1 (using Orbit CQ4570), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4886] opencsv Version: 1.8 (using Orbit CQ2359), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4877] OSGi Core API 4.2 (using Orbit CQ3865), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Access to OSGi TCKs, Wayne Beaton
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4859] TAB completion and command history for Virgo console, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4855] sun http server Version: 20070405, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Gemini Blueprint review docuware (draft), Costin Leau
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4846] m2e initial Version: contribution (PB CQ4572), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4838] Spring IDE Version: 2.5.2, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] New committers in Equinox incubator, Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Tobias Oberlies has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Jens Glander has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Jens Glander, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Tobias Oberlies, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4836] JDom Version: 1.0 (top level source code only) ( using Orbit CQ1587), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4835] Apache Jakarta Commons BeanUtils Version: 1.7 (PB CQ1387) ( does not include dependent libs) (using Orbit CQ1905), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4834] asm Version: 3.2 (excluding *.gz files identified in comment4) ( ATO CQ3427) (using Orbit CQ3526), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4833] log4j Version: 1.2.15 (Subset - see all comments) (ATO CQ2555) ( using Orbit CQ3560), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4832] Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (using Orbit CQ1907), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 4831] rome Version: 0.9 (using Orbit CQ1943), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Gunnar Wagenknecht has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Gunnar Wagenknecht, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] OSGi TCKs, Mike Milinkovich

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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