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Re: [rt-pmc] Juno Retrospective

One of the driving motivators has been the requirements for Long Term Support.  My understanding is that in order for a project to be included in LTS then it must be part of the release train.  I think that was one of the main reasons Virgo joined.


Inactive hide details for Ian Bull ---09/04/2012 11:16:01 PM---Thanks everyone for the great feedback on the Release Train (JunIan Bull ---09/04/2012 11:16:01 PM---Thanks everyone for the great feedback on the Release Train (Juno) retrospective. Here are the takeaways I observed while readi


Ian Bull <irbull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Runtime Project PMC mailing list <rt-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>,


09/04/2012 11:16 PM


Re: [rt-pmc] Juno Retrospective

Thanks everyone for the great feedback on the Release Train (Juno) retrospective.

Here are the takeaways I observed while reading through the thread.

1. The SimRel repository is of little value for many of the RT projects.  While some people do consume EclipseRT projects this way, many don't.  

2. Starter kits and other artifacts were a great idea, but they kind of fizzled out.  

3. Some RT Projects see the train as 'more work with less benefit'.  That is, the extra steps required (docware, deadlines, etc..), is not worth the 'advantages*' of being on the train.

4. Even if a project doesn't do the work to be in the SimRel repo, it will likely end up there anyways (others depend on Jetty for example).

Did I miss any?  Tomorrow we have an RT-PMC call, we can summarize this then.

I'm wondering if anybody can list advantages for an RT project to be on the train?  Obviously some projects contribute tooling for their RunTime (RAP Tooling for example). But beyond this, why have people joined the train in the past, and is there some positives we can build on.

Also, what could be done (blue-sky thinking) to get you (or keep you) on the train? I ask this in a completely hypothetically, and I'm not going to force you to join based on your response :-).  But what could the train do for you? For example, if the train resulted in a automatic delivery of your contribution to maven central, would this help?  If the train provided 'release engineering resources', would this help?  

I'm obviously in no position to offer any of these things, but I want to get us thinking about what we can change (if anything) to help coordinate things around EclipseRT.


R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484 |
rt-pmc mailing list

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