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Re: [rt-pmc] Juno Retrospective

I also would be interested in some automated way that our artifacts from the common release repo get published to maven central.  It seems to me it should be an automated thing.  If you are on the release train then what ever released artifacts you put into the common repo will get published to maven central (or, I don't really care as long as it is a publically available maven repo).


Inactive hide details for Markus Knauer ---09/05/2012 07:19:35 AM---In RAP we started with Indigo last year to publish some of Markus Knauer ---09/05/2012 07:19:35 AM---In RAP we started with Indigo last year to publish some of our (unmodified) bundles from Maven Central. Our build is based on T


Markus Knauer <mknauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Runtime Project PMC mailing list <rt-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>,


09/05/2012 07:19 AM


Re: [rt-pmc] Juno Retrospective

In RAP we started with Indigo last year to publish some of our (unmodified) bundles from Maven Central. Our build is based on Tycho, but it is still a very time consuming process to contribute our artifacts to a Maven repository. From our perspective it is the opposite: We are very interested in ways to make it easier (automate) the process of contributing our RAP bundles to Maven Central.

Regards, Markus

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Jesse McConnell <jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    > Also, what could be done (blue-sky thinking) to get you (or keep you) on the
    > train? I ask this in a completely hypothetically, and I'm not going to force
    > you to join based on your response :-).  But what could the train do for
    > you? For example, if the train resulted in a automatic delivery of your
    > contribution to maven central, would this help?  If the train provided
    > 'release engineering resources', would this help?

    I am interested with what people come up with, as it stands we
    reconsume our own artifacts from central to build out our signed p2
    repository so automatic contribution to central would be counter
    productive for us.

    Personally I would like to see information from the release repository
    on actual usage of the bundles inside, from our perspective it is this
    weirdly versioned and organized ball of string in a black box.  It is
    impossible for us to know if anyone out there is actually consuming
    jetty from the release repo aside from a post on our users list from
    time to time.  With maven central we can get download statistics on a
    per artifact (and version) basis which helps us gauge the usage of
    particular point releases of jetty over time.  Release repositories
    (and p2 in general) have no concept of incremental point releases nor
    does it give us any view into actual usage that we are aware of.


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