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RE: use case introduction (was RE: [riena-dev] wizards in riena?)

Thanks Christian for the speedy response!
I added a note to the bug and will look forward to seeing progress on the implementation.
If this is something I can help with, by all means let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: riena-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Christian Campo
Sent: Wed 4/29/2009 5:03 AM
To: Riena Developers list
Subject: Re: use case introduction (was RE: [riena-dev] wizards in riena?)
Actually you are not the first person asking.....So we created a bug 
  for it :-)

It seems that some people want editor support but only because the  
have implemented some code as editors already......So thats more  
lowering the barrier of entry for people for Riena and that is a legal  
usecase. Maybe thats just a reason why we are so lazy about this bug  
report :-) because noone would implement a new editor but rather write  
a ViewPart. But we can address this issue after Galileo.


Am 29.04.2009 um 13:57 schrieb Todd Lee:

> Thanks very much for the reply Christian (and the clarification on  
> the use of UIfilters - I'm sure I would have scratched my head for a  
> while on that one ;) )
> As I gain a higher degree of comfort with the Riena framework, I'd  
> be happy to contribute back in any areas that are deemed mutually  
> beneficial.
> One thing that I'm wondering right now - we've got a number of  
> editors that we've built to support some of our proprietary file  
> formats (they're really more viewers, since they're read-only, but  
> they're based on the eclipse FormEditor for multi-page display. eg -  
> for our EEPROM image file format, one page shows a visual  
> representation of an EEPROM layout, the other page shows the  
> absolute data.) Right now I'm not sure how this would fit into the  
> Riena framework, as all of the SubModuleViews extend ViewPart and  
> there doesn't seem to be support for EditorParts.
> Any suggestions as to how I might be able to open a FormEditor in  
> Riena? Ultimately, I kind of envisioned having a 'files' modulegroup  
> node in the side navigation view that contained a list of available  
> resources (EEPROM image files, assembly programs etc). Selecting a  
> file/submodule would open the appropriate editor (just as views are  
> handled currently).
> Thanks
> Todd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: riena-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Christian Campo
> Sent: Wed 4/29/2009 12:31 AM
> To: Riena Developers list
> Subject: Re: use case introduction (was RE: [riena-dev] wizards in  
> riena?)
> Hi Todd,
> Am 28.04.2009 um 21:58 schrieb Todd Lee:
>> Thanks Christian,
>> So after alot of reading ;) it seems to me that Riena is pretty much
>> in the sweet spot of what I'm looking for. Granted, my application
>> only scratches the surface of Riena's capabilities (standalone
>> client only right now, nothing on the remote/server side).
> good to hear the part with the "sweet spot". no problem if its just a
> client. we have projects too where the customer justs wants the  
> client.
>> As I mentioned earlier, my company ships an IDE based 'Engineering
>> Development Kit' for use by developers of applications for digital
>> signal processors (we make the chips).
>> The requirement has come up for something of a 'lite' kit for use by
>> non-technical users who simply have a device on their desk and need
>> to connect to it (using a variety of proprietary/off the shelf
>> communications hardware/protocols) and download applications/EEPROM
>> images onto it etc...
>> As far as tool support that would be useful for us, the following is
>> based on my design thus far:
>> 1) dockable/detached view support
>> - picture a 'common navigator' based view that shows applicable file
>> resources which can be dragged and dropped on my main sub-
>> application view showing currently connected devices (actionHandler
>> kicks off download to device)
>> - also optional console window that shows output of download process
> so detached view support is for you :-)
>> The prototyping that Elias has done looks really promising. I'm
>> imagining a console view that can be opened below the active
>> subapplication and perhaps a resource window that can be opened  
>> beside
>> 2) simple wizard support
>> - one of our requirements is 'wizard' like support to help our
>> customers connect their devices. This generally involves stepwise
>> selection of appropriate device, communication protocol/interface
>> settings and saving the configuration. I suppose that in the absence
>> of traditional wizards this could still be accomplished using a form
>> view with progressive UI filters (looking at the playground in the
>> example client) that proceed with the stepwise enablement of
>> controls as selections are made/info is input.
> one important point about UI filter, a limitation if you want, is that
> ADDING a UIFilter HAS TO ADD a RESTRICTION. You can add and activate
> many UIFilters and take them away in any order. So want you want can
> be done but just to be clear about how you do it. You can not add a
> UIfilter to enable a field. You can however remove a UIFilter that
> disabled a field.
> This was however necessary given the current marker infrastructur that
> we have. Likewise a UI Filter can hide fields, views, menu items etc.
> or add validation rules. No filter can be defined to make things
> visible.
> Just a different way of thinking and no general hurdle to implement
> anything that you are sketching out.
>> 3) interaction with external applications
>> - we use launch configurations right now to kickoff utility apps
>> used to download programs to a device etc. If there was an easier
>> way to do this in riena, it would save a lot of dependencies on the
>> existing eclipse core/debug framework
> we didnt have yet the requirement. We can always discuss that, add a
> bug and talk about how to implement that, maybe you even like to
> contribute a generic functionality to Riena.
>> 4) easy command line application execution with arguments
>> - Ideally, I'd like to be able to fire up my exported product using
>> a basic shell extension (ie - right click on an EEPROM image file
>> and select 'Open With > My Fancy Riena Application') The
>> SwtApplication can start a specific subapplication based on the file
>> argument passed.
> That should be possible either with what we have or some additions.
>> That's pretty much it, and I realize some of it is probably out of
>> the scope of the Riena project (but you asked ;) so you got my
>> wishlist) - everything else, you've already provided, with the
>> simplified/customizable UI and easy navigation. Thanks again,
>> looking forward to digging a little deeper!
> I really rather like to focus on how to do it than if we do because it
> might be out of scope. If you like to use Riena and there is a bit
> missing to accomplish that, this would in general mean that its in
> scope especially if these are UI "thingys". We dont write device
> drivers for EEPROMS (that is out of scope) but you dont expect us to.
> There is always a chance that we might implement something NOT "next
> week" after you enter it in Bugzilla if its something that we dont
> need and we are short in ressources. But contributing by you (after a
> lively discussion how to do it) should always work.
>> Cheers,
>> Todd
> cheers
> christian
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: riena-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Christian Campo
>> Sent: Tue 4/28/2009 12:04 PM
>> To: Riena Developers list
>> Subject: Re: [riena-dev] wizards in riena?
>> Hi Todd,
>> no question is naive (to start with), it just points to a topic that
>> is not enough explained :-)
>> The simple answer would be to say "look at the Riena proposal, No  
>> tool
>> support" :-)
>> We have however implemented a little wizard once which is currently
>> not so well maintained that enables you to create Riena apps. However
>> the use is limited because you can basically generate a sample
>> application in your own namespace with your own packages but still it
>> will be the same as the samples that you can already see in the  
>> target
>> platform as samples.
>> If you want the way to go is to request an enhancement and file a bug
>> report. :-)
>> You can also start with telling us what kind of applications you are
>> building and what kind of tool support would be helpful.....
>> christian
>> Am 28.04.2009 um 20:14 schrieb Todd Lee:
>>> Hi there,
>>> As I work through my investigation of riena for use in our product,
>>> I've noticed that there doesn't seem to be anything analogous to the
>>> notion of the Wizard/WizardPage in vanilla eclipse. Is there a plan
>>> for wizard support (ie Wizard/WizardPage Rigets like you seem to
>>> have for some other dialog based elements) or is the intent that the
>>> lnf be applied to the standard wizard/wizardpages directly without
>>> the need for the riget interface? (I seem to recall reading
>>> somewhere that setting a system property could apply the riena lnf
>>> globally...?)
>>> My apologies if this question ends up being naive, I'm definitely
>>> learning as I go...
>>> Thanks, Todd
>>> <ATT00001.c>
>> <ATT00001.c>
> <ATT00001.c>


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