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[riena-dev] NavigationViewFactory enhancement

see also bugzilla enhancement bug: Bug 268103


I noticed that in org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.views.NavigationViewFactory the current

implementation always returns a static instance for the specific view

(moduleGroup, module). I need to specify a specific user related type of view,

which is responsible for a doubleClick on a subModule.


So I've implemented a more generic way to specify the real class for a specific

factory type. there is a new extension point

org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.defaultFactoryClass which can be used to

overload the defaults.


In the attached zip you can find the extension-point scheme, the modified

plugin.xml exporting the scheme, the modified NavigationViewFactory class using

the new extension point and the new annotated ExtensionInterface class



Maybe it's a good idea to adopt all kinds of factories with a behavior like

this. In this case we must move the extension point into a bundle closer to the

...riena.core classes to make it available for other factories.


Unfortunately I am unable to provide a real cvs patch file, because i've to

work completely offline without cvs access from the reimported target platform

bundle. changes are based on the release build 1.0.


Usage Example below…


The usage of the new extension point:

<!-- **********************************************************************
 The next entry registers a specific ModuleView SubClass for the NavigationFactory
 wich allows to handle doubleclick action on a subModule.
*********************************************************************** -->
<extension point="org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.defaultFactoryClass">
   <defaultFactoryClass type="ModuleView" factoryClass="de.stf.client.riena.base.navigation.MyModuleView" />

An example ModuleView subclass registering a doubleClick event listener:


 * This class is an example how to overload the default behavior of the ModuleView.

 * In this implementation we add a doubleclick handler.
 * */
package de.stf.client.riena.base.navigation;

import org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ISubModuleNode;
import org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.views.ModuleView;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;

/** */
public class MyModuleView extends ModuleView {

     * Konstruktor für eine HMModuleView.
     * @param parent das parent {@link Composite} für diese {@link ModuleView}
    public HMModuleView(Composite parent) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.views.ModuleView#createBodyContent(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)
    protected void createBodyContent(Composite parent) {

     * Registriert einen double-click MouseListener für alle @link ISubModuleView}.
Für alle
     * Instanzen welche über einen assoziierten {@link INavigationnodeController} verfügen, welcher
     * das {@link IDoubleClickHandler} Interface implementiert wird bei doubleClick die Methode
     * <code>doubleClicked()</code> aufgerufen.
    private void addMyListeners() {
        MouseAdapter mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter() {

            public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent event) {
                TreeItem[] selection = getTree().getSelection();
                if (selection[0].getData() instanceof ISubModuleNode) {
                    ISubModuleNode node = (ISubModuleNode) selection[0].getData();
                    if (node.getNavigationNodeController() instanceof IDoubleClickHandler) {
                        IDoubleClickHandler activeSubModuleController = (IDoubleClickHandler) node.getNavigationNodeController();
                        System.out.println(".mouseDoubleClick() handler=" + activeSubModuleController.getClass());

The Interface which an associated SubModuleController has to implement, when he want’s a doubleClick notification.

package de.hansemerkur.client.riena.base.navigation;

/** */
public interface IDoubleClickHandler {

     * This method is called when the associated UI widget is doubleclicked.
    void doubleClicked();


Regards, Stefan

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