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Re: [rdf4j-dev] Github CI build failure on develop

Hi Jeen,

I've had problems like this, I believe, when an artifact download failed mid-way but somehow still got saved in the local repo. Removing the artifact from the local repository helped. It's also possible that the cache you are mentioning holds a corrupted version. In that case, purging the cache for the artifact in question might help. Otherwise please post the mvn output.

best regards,

Am 2021-05-20 06:56, schrieb Jeen Broekstra:
We're currently experiencing a build failure on the develop branch. It
appears it is failing on the download of some of the new Spring 5.3.5
dependencies from Central. I am not immediately sure why this has
suddenly started happening (for one thing those dependencies should be
in the cache by now so there shouldn't be a need to download them from
Central), but I've retried several times and it keeps crapping out. I
can only assume maven central is throttling github and we're caught in
the middle.

 If anyone has any ideas on a fix I'm all ears. I'm currently not
getting any further than "let's hope it starts working again in a
short while".

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