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Re: [ptp-user] Testing for Parallel Package Juno SR2 (RC4 build) ** LSF support


I plan to add a note in the online help (to be written) stating LSF setup is required.

You should see colored boxes for the nodes where the job runs once it starts. There was a problem with the monitoring code that resulted in no colored boxes being displayed in some cases. A fix for this was committed to both the Juno and Kepler PTP repositories yesterday. I tested this on the machine where I was seeing the problem and I now get the colored boxes.

This was comitted after the SR2 cutoff for Juno so you will need to pick up a post-SR2 PTP build to get this fix, once that build is available.

From:        Christoph Pospiech <Christoph.Pospiech@xxxxxxxxxx>
To:        ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date:        02/20/2013 02:06 AM
Subject:        Re: [ptp-user] Testing for Parallel Package Juno SR2 (RC4 build) **        LSF support
Sent by:        ptp-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 13:40:54 you wrote:
> Christoph
> The list of queues should be filled in when the run config dialog opens.
> The resource manager runs the 'bqueues' command when the dialog opens.  If
> the queue list is not being filled in then I'm suspicious that your login
> script is not running the LSF environment setup command, which is required
> since LSF can be installed anywhere. This may also explain your monitoring
> problem.


your suspicion was *absolutely* right.

As my .bashrc was derived from a standard RedHat bashrc template, I would
guess that more people than just me will stumble over this. So perhaps there
should be a corresponding update in the documentation.

My ~/.bashrc contained the following two stanzas.
a) [presumably coming from the RedHat template]
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return

b) [added by me when starting to use LSF]
# set up LSF
if [ -r ~lsfadmin/lsf/conf/profile.lsf ]; then
 . ~lsfadmin/lsf/conf/profile.lsf

If a) comes before b) then you can run bqueues after ordinary login,
but "ssh bqueues" will fail and eclipse LSF
support will show the errors I described in an earlier post.

If b) comes before a), "ssh bqueues" works fine and so
does Eclipse LSF support.

- Except that the monitor screen still looks very odd.

It only shows a couple of white boxes. As there are two running jobs, I should
expect some colored boxes somewhere. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this
LSF instance schedules jobs for at least two different clusters ?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Dr. Christoph Pospiech
High Performance & Parallel Computing
Phone: +49-351 86269826
Mobile: +49-171-765 5871
E-Mail: christoph.pospiech@xxxxxxxxxx
IBM Deutschland GmbH / Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter
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