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[ptp-dev] FW: problems when remote host print stuff upon login

Forwarding for Davide, we would like to formulate this into at least one bugzilla entry -

-----Original Message-----
From: Davide Del Vento [mailto:ddvento@xxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:12 PM
To: ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx; Alameda, Jay
Subject: problems when remote host print stuff upon login

My .bash_profile contains something that prints to the console upon login. To make things simpler, assume it's a

ls -a ~

This seems to create three problems with synchronized projects:

1) The "finish" button of the "new connection" window of "Target environment configuration" does not close the window as would be expected. The user would click it repeatedly, creating a bunch of connections

2) Right after that, clicking browse of "new sync project" has garbage in it (see screenshot.png)

3) Sync all now raise an exception (see synch_error.png)

Davide Del Vento,
NCAR Computational & Information Services Laboratory Consulting Services Software Engineer
SEA Chair

Attachment: screenshot.png
Description: screenshot.png

Attachment: synch_error.png
Description: synch_error.png

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