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Re: [ptp-dev] Problem with XML input to JAXB parser for PE resource manager


The JAXB XSD validator is a steel trap.  It does not consider these equivalent:

<grid-data widthHint="200"></grid-data>
<grid-data widthHint="200"/>

Since the XSD does not allow grid-data to have children, the first form is being interpreted as an empty-string child.

Try changing to the second form and see what happens.

I will see if there is a way to make the validator ignore implicit text children.


----- Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Al
> I'm not sure if I've broken my XML definition for the PE resource manager 
> in experimenting with checkboxes or if something else is wrong. I've 
> replaced all of the org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb* source with the  latest code 
> from HEAD. I ried coding a checkbox widget and got the following error 
> followed by a SAXParseException.
> !ENTRY org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core 4 4 2011-05-31 21:22:50.920
> !MESSAGE Public ID: null
> System ID: null
> Line number: 187
> Column number: 20
> Message: cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'grid-data' must have no character 
> or element information item [children], because the type's content type is 
> empty.
> If I modify the source, I always get this error even if the source 
> contains less than 187 lines. I've reverted the XML source to a previous 
> version which was working with the same results. I've also restarted both 
> my runtime Eclipse session and my base Eclipse session thinking somehting 
> was cached, with no luck.
> I'm attaching my XML source. Can you look at this and let me know if I've 
> done something wrong?
> Thanks
> Dave

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