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[ptp-dev] Problem with XML input to JAXB parser for PE resource manager

I'm not sure if I've broken my XML definition for the PE resource manager in experimenting with checkboxes or if something else is wrong. I've replaced all of the org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb* source with the  latest code from HEAD. I ried coding a checkbox widget and got the following error followed by a SAXParseException.

!ENTRY org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core 4 4 2011-05-31 21:22:50.920
!MESSAGE Public ID: null
System ID: null
Line number: 187
Column number: 20
Message: cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'grid-data' must have no character or element information item [children], because the type's content type is empty.

If I modify the source, I always get this error even if the source contains less than 187 lines. I've reverted the XML source to a previous version which was working with the same results. I've also restarted both my runtime Eclipse session and my base Eclipse session thinking somehting was cached, with no luck.

I'm attaching my XML source. Can you look at this and let me know if I've done something wrong?



Attachment: ibmpe_v2.xml
Description: Binary data

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