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Re: [ptp-dev] Questions about widgets in JAXB plugin


I'd like to ask a couple of clarifications before I proceed.

> 1) I defined a widget as a checkBox, which assumes that the attribute 
> where the value is stored is a boolean. I'm using this to represent a PE 
> environment variable which accepts yas and no as valid values. Is there 
> any way to translate an attribute value of true/false to yes/no?

I may as well make the translation map to an abitrary string-pair (yes, no; y,n; T,F; 0,1), whose type depends on the property or attribute being written to. While I imagine this is limited to checkboxes, it would be easiest just to include it on the <widget> because otherwise I need to add another type. So on the widget we would have an element: <represent-boolean-as>yes,no</represent-boolean-as>, for instance.

> 2) Is there an example of how I would code a group of radio buttons? I 
> coded the following which resulted in displaying the radio buttons but no 
> labels were associated with them. I'm also not sure where to code the 
> saveValueTo, since if I coded it in the radio button definition then both 
> radio buttons would click on or off together.

Tell me if this specifies the widget-group adequately:

1.  Limited to radio buttons
2.  Each button has a label
3.  The group itself has a "saveValueTo".
4.  When the button is selected, the value for saveValueTo comes from the button's label.
5.  The group label type would be determined by the property or attribute written to.


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