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Re: [ptp-dev] C/C++ project's Refactor menu is hijacked by Photran?

> i mistakenly looked for "rename" within it (because that is where I am
> accustomed to finding it)
> ...
> Actually there is a "Rename" menu right there on the context menu

The Refactor menu showing up is definitely a bug (since Fortran
refactorings can only be used on Fortran source files in indexed

W.r.t. the larger issue -- it looks like CDT puts "Rename" and "Move"
directly into the context menu, but JDT puts those in the Refactor
(sub)menu -- I think the difference is that these really are
refactorings in JDT (e.g., all references to the renamed class/package
are updated) but they are just file operations in CDT.  But I agree
that it's a little confusing that the "Rename" menu item is not always
in the same place, depending on what you're trying to rename...


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