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[ptp-dev] Need rdt-server support for PAM authentication


Recently I'm testing the remote function of  ptp 4.0 release.
Current rdt-server authenticates users based on /etc/passwd file.

However, some HPC machines utilize PAM+LDAP to manage user account and passwd.
So it is better for rdt-server to support both passwd file and PAM-based user authentication.

I saw there is a file "" under the directory "rdt-server".
It seems that rdt-server utilizes this file to implement user authentication.
However, when I add into this file some perl codes to support PAM user authentication,
the remote login in RSE always reports error.
Also I found that the print statements within output nothing no matter user authentication succeeded or failed.

Where can I get the rdt-server source code?
Is it required the rdt-server be re-compiled after changing file?


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