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Re: [ptp-dev] Need rdt-server support for PAM authentication


The rdt-server is based on the RSE dstore server, so you'll need to get it working with the dstore server first. RSE is part of the DSDP/TM project ( so you'll need to direct any questions to them. However, I don't believe you'd need to recompile the rdt-server if you change any of the support files.

Also, if you're using Remote Tools (part of PTP) instead of RSE for the remote connection then you don't need to worry about authentication. Remote Tools will make an ssh connection to the remote machine, then start the rdt-server at the end of a tunnel (it also automatically copies the rdt-server to the remote machine). Since authentication is already done by ssh, it does not need to be done again.


On Jun 23, 2010, at 9:51 AM, JiangJie wrote:


Recently I'm testing the remote function of  ptp 4.0 release.
Current rdt-server authenticates users based on /etc/passwd file.

However, some HPC machines utilize PAM+LDAP to manage user account and passwd.
So it is better for rdt-server to support both passwd file and PAM-based user authentication.

I saw there is a file "" under the directory "rdt-server".
It seems that rdt-server utilizes this file to implement user authentication.
However, when I add into this file some perl codes to support PAM user authentication,
the remote login in RSE always reports error.
Also I found that the print statements within output nothing no matter user authentication succeeded or failed.

Where can I get the rdt-server source code?
Is it required the rdt-server be re-compiled after changing file?


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