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Re: [ptp-dev] Recent commits to sticky tag ptp_2_1

OK then.

> Randy,
> I think Vivian was intending to commit to the 2.1 branch, not HEAD.
> Greg
> On Apr 29, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Randy Roberts wrote:
>> Vivian,
>> Before I answer that question, I just realized that ptp_2_1 is a branch
>> tag,
>> which is why CVS allowed you to commit to it.  Normally CVS won't let
>> you
>> commit to a sticky non-branch tag.  This means that your commits have
>> NOT
>> been making it to the HEAD of the repository.
>> We've got three problems here.  The first is that the ptp_2_1 branch now
>> has
>> your changes that don't belong on it.  The second is that your changes
>> have
>> not made it to the HEAD, which is where I assume you intended them to
>> go.
>> The third is that your changes are based off of (possibly) old versions
>> of these files.
>> As an example:  org.eclipse.ptp.releng/master/
>> The version you committed was based on version 1.2 of the file
>> (actually, but Greg has already committed changes up to
>> version 1.6 of the file.  If you were to have committed your changes
>> to the HEAD we would have lost all of the changes from 1.3 to 1.6
>> of that file.
>> You DON'T want to merge the ptp_2_1 branch changes onto HEAD.  You
>> could do it, but it would take a lot of familiarity with CVS and
>> knowledge
>> about what previous tags have been set on the ptp_2_1 branch, or
>> equivalently
>> what dates you checked things in.  There is a PTP_2_1 tag that **MAY**
>> represent
>> the state of the branch before you started committing on it,, but that
>> would have to be
>> checked to make sure.  That version tag could then be used to bring the
>> ptp_2_1
>> branch back to its intended state.
>> Now to answer your question... how to get back to the HEAD revisions
>> For each plug-in or project in question,
>> right click on the plug-in or project,
>> select "Replace With"
>> select "Another Branch or Version"
>> select HEAD
>> select OK
>> WARNING: you will loose all the changes you have made!
>> I think that is most likely to be necessary due to the third reason
>> above,
>> that you have based your changes on old versions of these files.
>> Sorry for the bad news.  If anyone else has any suggestions...
>> Regards,
>> R^2
>> --
>> Randy M. Roberts
>> rsqrd@xxxxxxxx
>> work: (505)665-4285
>> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
>> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Benjamin Franklin
>> On Apr 29, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Vivian Kong wrote:
>> Thanks Randy.
>> So how do I remove the sticky tag?
>> Regards,
>> Vivian Kong
>> IBM Eclipse CDT
>> IBM Canada Toronto Lab
>> <graycol.gif>Randy Roberts ---04/29/2010 03:15:11 PM---Vivian, It means
>> that at one time you checked out the
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> From:	<ecblank.gif>
>> Randy Roberts <rsqrd@xxxxxxxx>
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> To:	<ecblank.gif>
>> Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> Date:	<ecblank.gif>
>> 04/29/2010 03:15 PM
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> Subject:	<ecblank.gif>
>> Re: [ptp-dev] Recent commits to sticky tag ptp_2_1
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> Sent by:	<ecblank.gif>
>> ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> Vivian,
>> It means that at one time you checked out the
>> "ptp_2_1" version of the code, and every time
>> you do a commit it automatically resets the "ptp_2_1"
>> tag of every commit you do to the committed version.
>> So, let's say that file was tagged with ptp_2_1
>> for version 1.3, when you commit the change to
>>, not only is the version changed to 1.4,
>> but the tag "ptp_2_1" is changed to point to version
>> 1.4.
>> You usually don't want to do that.
>> Does that help?
>> Regards,
>> R^2
>> --
>> Randy Roberts
>> rsqrd@xxxxxxxx
>> work: (505)665-4285
>> "In the unlikely story that is America,
>> there has never been anything false
>> about hope."
>> -- Barack Obama
>> On Apr 29, 2010, at 1:02 PM, Vivian Kong wrote:
>> Thanks for catching it Randy.
>> What do you mean by sticky tag?
>> I checked in some changes to HEAD last night and the feature version was
>> set to 2.1.4...I'll fix that.
>> Regards,
>> Vivian Kong
>> IBM Eclipse CDT
>> IBM Canada Toronto Lab
>> <graycol.gif>Randy Roberts ---04/29/2010 11:03:16 AM---I just saw some
>> commits to the repository that had a sticky tag set to "ptp_2_1."
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> From:	<ecblank.gif>
>> Randy Roberts <rsqrd@xxxxxxxx>
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> To:	<ecblank.gif>
>> Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> Date:	<ecblank.gif>
>> 04/29/2010 11:03 AM
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> Subject:	<ecblank.gif>
>> [ptp-dev] Recent commits to sticky tag ptp_2_1
>> <ecblank.gif>
>> Sent by:	<ecblank.gif>
>> ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> I just saw some commits to the repository
>> that had a sticky tag set to "ptp_2_1."
>> Is that what the committer, vkong, really wanted?
>> Usually tags like that need to stay on the specific
>> released version.  These are changes made to
>> HEAD and have the tag reset to the HEAD version.
>> Regards,
>> R^2
>> --
>> Randy M. Roberts
>> rsqrd@xxxxxxxx
>> work: (505)665-4285
>> "In my many years I have come to a conclusion
>> that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm,
>> and three or more is a congress."
>>                      -- John Adams
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