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Re: [ptp-dev] Recent commits to sticky tag ptp_2_1


Before I answer that question, I just realized that ptp_2_1 is a branch tag,
which is why CVS allowed you to commit to it.  Normally CVS won't let you
commit to a sticky non-branch tag.  This means that your commits have NOT
been making it to the HEAD of the repository.

We've got three problems here.  The first is that the ptp_2_1 branch now has
your changes that don't belong on it.  The second is that your changes have
not made it to the HEAD, which is where I assume you intended them to go.
The third is that your changes are based off of (possibly) old versions of these files.

As an example:  org.eclipse.ptp.releng/master/
The version you committed was based on version 1.2 of the file
(actually, but Greg has already committed changes up to
version 1.6 of the file.  If you were to have committed your changes
to the HEAD we would have lost all of the changes from 1.3 to 1.6
of that file.

You DON'T want to merge the ptp_2_1 branch changes onto HEAD.  You 
could do it, but it would take a lot of familiarity with CVS and knowledge
about what previous tags have been set on the ptp_2_1 branch, or equivalently
what dates you checked things in.  There is a PTP_2_1 tag that **MAY** represent
the state of the branch before you started committing on it,, but that would have to be
checked to make sure.  That version tag could then be used to bring the ptp_2_1
branch back to its intended state.

Now to answer your question... how to get back to the HEAD revisions

For each plug-in or project in question,
right click on the plug-in or project,
select "Replace With"
select "Another Branch or Version"
select HEAD
select OK

WARNING: you will loose all the changes you have made!
I think that is most likely to be necessary due to the third reason above,
that you have based your changes on old versions of these files.

Sorry for the bad news.  If anyone else has any suggestions...

Randy M. Roberts
work: (505)665-4285

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Benjamin Franklin

On Apr 29, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Vivian Kong wrote:

Thanks Randy.

So how do I remove the sticky tag?


Vivian Kong
IBM Eclipse CDT
IBM Canada Toronto Lab

<graycol.gif>Randy Roberts ---04/29/2010 03:15:11 PM---Vivian, It means that at one time you checked out the

Randy Roberts <rsqrd@xxxxxxxx>
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
04/29/2010 03:15 PM
Re: [ptp-dev] Recent commits to sticky tag ptp_2_1
Sent by:


It means that at one time you checked out the
"ptp_2_1" version of the code, and every time
you do a commit it automatically resets the "ptp_2_1"
tag of every commit you do to the committed version.

So, let's say that file was tagged with ptp_2_1
for version 1.3, when you commit the change to, not only is the version changed to 1.4,
but the tag "ptp_2_1" is changed to point to version

You usually don't want to do that.

Does that help?

Randy Roberts
work: (505)665-4285

"In the unlikely story that is America,
there has never been anything false
about hope."
-- Barack Obama

On Apr 29, 2010, at 1:02 PM, Vivian Kong wrote:

Thanks for catching it Randy.

What do you mean by sticky tag?

I checked in some changes to HEAD last night and the feature version was set to 2.1.4...I'll fix that.


Vivian Kong
IBM Eclipse CDT
IBM Canada Toronto Lab

Randy Roberts ---04/29/2010 11:03:16 AM---I just saw some commits to the repository that had a sticky tag set to "ptp_2_1."

Randy Roberts <rsqrd@xxxxxxxx>
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
04/29/2010 11:03 AM
[ptp-dev] Recent commits to sticky tag ptp_2_1
Sent by:

I just saw some commits to the repository
that had a sticky tag set to "ptp_2_1."

Is that what the committer, vkong, really wanted?
Usually tags like that need to stay on the specific
released version.  These are changes made to
HEAD and have the tag reset to the HEAD version.

Randy M. Roberts

work: (505)665-4285

"In my many years I have come to a conclusion
that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm,
and three or more is a congress."
                     -- John Adams

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