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RE: [ptp-dev] Re: Question about bug 292049

 Hi Greg,
I also encouter the same problem as Dave described.
My solution is to delete the "old" routing file generated for the first debug session.
However, this is not an elegant solution.
Maybe the unique file name for each debug session is a possible way.
For example, we can append the job id of the debug session to the routing file name.
> To: ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ptp-dev] Re: Question about bug 292049
> From: dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 09:46:34 -0500
> Greg
> I just committed the routing file changes for the PE proxy so the debugger
> should work again. I modeled the port number generation logic after what
> you had in
> While I was fixing this, I saw the same connect: Invalid argument problem
> we were looking at last month, this time with just two MPI tasks. I think
> I know what is going on. This is sort of a timing problem caused by
> leaving an old routing file hanging around after the debugger exits.
> In the PE proxy model, the child SDMs start as the PE application. I think
> that if the routing file doesn't exist, you have logic where they spin
> until the routing file appears and the master SDM starts. If there's no
> routing file, then the debugger starts correctly. If there's an old
> routing file hanging around, then the child SDMs read it and get bad port
> numbers, resulting in the connect failure.
> I was reliably able to start the SDM debugger if I deleted the routing
> file before I started the debugger. I was reliably able to get either a
> connect: invalid argument failure or a child SDM exiting with rc -1 if I
> did not delete the old routing file before starting the debugger.
> I think the solution to this is that once the master SDM has initialized,
> delete the routing file. Note that this does not fix the case where
> somebody starts two debug sessions in the same working directory since the
> second debug instance will likely trip over the old routing file. This
> case is unlikely, but using unique filenames for each routing file could
> fix that.
> Dave

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