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[ptp-dev] version of next release?

Hello all,

It looks like I'm going to start needing a bugzilla target for fixes and features that are not going into the 2.1.x release stream. I am guessing that our next major release is going to be PTP 2.2. Does that fit with everyone else's assumptions?

Also, I guess this opens the discussion as to when we would actually have the release. I had originally hoped to have a June release to coincide with Galileo, but with all the work we currently have queued up on my team for CDT 6.0 and PTP 2.1.1, I don't think we will be able to get to a whole lot by then. I think it makes more sense for us to do a release in the late summer or early fall. What are the rest of you planning?

Chris Recoskie
Team Lead, IBM CDT and RDT
IBM Toronto

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