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Re: [ptp-dev] Question on IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab.getAttributes()


I am going through changing the IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab interface as I described in my previous message.

replacing the method :
 - IAttribute<?,?,?>[] IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab.getAttributes(IResourceManager rm, IPQueue queue, ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException;
 - IAttribute<?,?,?>[] IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab.getAttributes(IResourceManager rm, IPQueue queue, ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode) throws CoreException;

Therefore, I will changing dynamic tabs implementation of all RM on the PTP CVS to conform to the new interface. I am just adding the parameter, that will be ignored on the existing RM implementations.

Please let me know if there are any objections.

Best regards,
Daniel Felix Ferber

Greg Watson escreveu:

I think the answer is that it's never been needed before. I don't see any problem with adding a new interface that can supply this parameter and a default implementation that just ignores it.


On Sep 19, 2008, at 3:17 PM, Daniel Felix Ferber wrote:


While implementing a new IRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab, I was wondering why it does not receive a parameter with the launch mode. In my case, the value of some attributes depend if the launch was for "run" or "debug".

Would it be reasonable to pass the 'mode' parameter from the ILaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(...) to the getAttribute() methods?

Or is there another better approach? I could have the same attribute once for 'run' and once for 'debug', where the RuntimeSystem selects which one to use. But I would like to avoid this approach.

Best regards,
Daniel Felix Ferber
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