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Re: [ptp-dev] PTFw: two tool XML questions

wspear wrote:
To the first question, yes that looks correct.  Whatever scripting
language you use needs its executable be the program to which the
actual script is passed.  This is because the internal execution
system doesn't use a proper shell environment and can't interpret the
script itself.  It just launches executables with their parameters.

Okay, thanks for the additional information on that.

I'm having trouble reproducing the second issue on my system.  The
attached file is what the UI looks like by default and nothing is
enabled there (does everything else look as expected?).  Try just
leaving out the 'defstate' parameter altogether.  The default, when it
is not specified at all, should be disabled.  Where/when did you
obtain the version of the Perf Framework you are using?

The UI does look correct in the screenshot you provided. I tried leaving out the 'defstate' parameter, and got the same result: the first option ("Enable tracing") shows up initially selected.

It looks like the Performance Analysis Framework version I am using is I believe I got everything from within Eclipse using the PTP update site. I'd be willing to try a fresh install/setup of Eclipse and PTP if you would like to suggest a particular combination of plugins.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.

I probably will have more questions coming up soon, as I foresee likely going beyond the initial integration steps using the tool XML file.


On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Max Billingsley III
<billingsley@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is Max from the HCS Lab at the University of Florida, working on
integrating our Parallel Performance Wizard (PPW) tool with Eclipse PTP, by
way of the Performance Tool Framework (PTFw).

I have a couple of questions about the XML files used with the PTFw.

First, our PPW tool uses compiler wrapper scripts and a "ppwrun" script that
are written in Perl (these are executable scripts with a "shebang" line at
the top).  Directly invoking the "ppwmpicc" script seems to work fine,
however based on the following section in the annotated example tool XML
file (from the PTFw wiki page)

       <!-- Use this line only if valgrind is a shell script.
                         The plugin can not execute scripts natively -->
       <utility command="bash" group="inbin"/>
       <utility command="valgrind" group="valgrind"/>

and after trying a couple of possibilities, it seems that the following
formulation is needed for invoking our "ppwrun" script:

   <utility command="perl" group="perl"/>
   <utility command="ppwrun" group="ppw">

Does this seem right?

Second, I seem to be having trouble with the "defstate" modifier for
<togoption ...>; for some reason this doesn't seem to be working as
expected.  For example, the following tool XML (this is a subset of what I'm
working on for PPW) yields the "PPW Program Run" panel having the "Enable
tracing" option selected by default.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tool name="PPW">
 <compile replace="true">
   <CC command="ppwmpicc" group="ppw"/>
   <utility command="perl" group="perl"/>
   <utility command="ppwrun" group="ppw">
     <argument value="--output=ppw_eclipse.par"/>
     <optionpane title="PPW Program Run" prependwith=""
         enclosewith="" enclosevalues="" separatewith=" ">
   <togoption label="Enable tracing"
          tooltip="Record full program trace during run"
       <togoption label="Trace buffer size"
          tooltip="Set the trace buffer size to the specified number of
bytes (most users should not need to change this)"
         <optvalue type="text" default=""></optvalue>
   <togoption label="Collect communication statistics"
          tooltip="Record statistics on (explicit and implicit)
communication during program run"
   <togoption label="Collect per-line communication statistics"
          tooltip="Record per-line statistics on (explicit and implicit)
communication during program run"
   <utility type="view" command="ppw" group="ppw">
     <argument value="ppw_eclipse.par"/>

Does anything here look suspicious?


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