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Re: [ptp-dev] 2.0 Release Planning

Sorry about that. Maybe you need to be a committer to edit the wiki? I'll update the test plan with your changes.



On Mar 10, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Dave Wootton wrote:

I logged in to the wiki using my bugzilla Eclipse ID to try to edit the page and when I click edit I get a page captioned View Source that tells me the action I requested is limited to group user and that I can view and
copy the source of the page. I can't edit anything on this page and I
don't see any way to get to a page where I can edit. So can you make the
following changes?

If you need anything else, let me know.

1) Add a column to the test grid adding my name. Add a row labeled
Resource Manager Tests similar to the Core/Runtime tests then add the
following rows under it with check marks by my name. I have someone who is going to handle the LoadLeveler resource manager plugin testing while I handle the PE plugin. The testing will be similar for both and I can track the status for LoadLeveler. If you think two columns are needed (one for
PE and one for LoadLeveler, that's fine too). You can put checks by my
name for the Core/Runtime tests except node sets and parallel job launch since I will be using the remaining components of runtime/core in my tests
2) Add the following tests under Resource Manager Tests
a) Build
b) Preferences
c) Resource Manager Configuration
d) Parallel Job Launch
Add a new section for Resource manager tests with the following detail
1) Build
a) Start with a freshly installed copy of the PTP plugin source in a clean
b) cd to the plugins/org.eclipse.ptp.aix.ppc,
plugins/org.eclipse.ptp.linux.x86 or plugins/ org.eclipse.ptp.linux.x86_64
as appropriate for the architecture being tested
c) Invoke the BUILD script in that directory
d) Verify that the proxy executables are correctly built
e) Make sure a copy of LoadLeveler is installed
f) cd to the plugins/ directory and invoke 'make clean', invoke 'configure' specifying the --with-ll-header parameter
with the path of the directory containing llapi.h and then run make.
Verify that the executables are built correctly.
g) cd to the plugins/ directory and repeat
step f to verify the LoadLeveler proxy builds correctly.

2) Preferences
a) Open the PE or LoadLeveler preferences window under the PTP- >Resource
Manager tab in the preferences dialog
b) Specify settings in the preferences panel consistent with your
installation and whether LoadLeveler is included as part of the test.
c) Verify that if invalid values (non-numeric, etc) are specified for
preferences, that appropriate error messages are issued and that 'Apply'
and 'Ok' are disabled.
d) Once a valid set of preferences is set, close the preferences window then open it again. Make sure the settings remain as they were set in this

3) Resource Manager
a) Open the resource manager view and right click in the resource manager
view. Click Add Resource Manager in the popup menu.
b) Select the appropriate resource manager (IBMLL or PE) from the resource
manager type list
c) Select appropriate values for the test environment in the next pane of the RM wizard. Verify that if invalid values are entered, that appropriate
error messages are issued.
c.1) For PE, click the Options button next to the proxy executable path. A popup dialog with proxy options should appear. Make sure the values in the fields are the same as what were entered in the preferences setting. If values are changed to invalid values, make sure appropriate error messages are issued. Click cancel in the popup dialog to use the values selected
from the preferences panel.
c.2) For LoadLeveler, proxy options are specified by a second wizard page (for now). Proceed to that page by clicking Next and then filling in the
dialog as in step c.1. Verify that errors are properly diagnosed, then
click 'back' to return to the preceding wizard page
d) Click next to proceed to the wizard page where RM name is specified.
Specify a name for the RM then click finish.
e) A new resource manager should appear in the resource manager view.
Right click on that resource manager and click Start Resource Manager.
Verify that the resource manager starts and that the machine view shows the initial machine configuration. Verify that the correct parameters were
passed to the resource manager by examining the RM invocation in the
console log (requires trace enabled)
f) Right click on the resource manager and then click Stop Resource
Manager. Verify the resource manager stops.
g) Right click on the resource manager then select Edit resource manager. Verify that the resource manager wizard panels contain the proper values
as saved from the creation of the resource manager.
h) Modify values in the resource manager wizard then click finish. Start
the resource manager and make sure the correct parameters are passed.
i) Stop the resource manager again, edit the RM configuration and verify
that the wizard pages contain the values saved in step h.

4) Parallel Job Launch
a) Create a C project specifying mpcc as the compiler/linker (gcc will not work. This assumes PE is installed.) Obtain source code for a working MPI
program and compile that program.
b) Ensure the proper resource manager is started.
c) Click the 'Open Run Dialog' option under the run menu. Create a
Parallel Application launch configuration, specifying the C project from step a as the target. Make sure SDM is selected as the debugger. Make sure
the correct resource manager is selected on the Main tab of the run
d) Click the resources tab and make sure Advanced Mode is clicked off
e) Make sure that the fields in the tabbed pane at the bottom of the page
are filled in with proper default values as specified by the resource
f) Fill in appropriate values to run the application in the fields
contained in the resources tab, especially the tabbed pane at the bottom of that page. Make sure that appropriate error messages are issued when invalid values (that can be validated) are entered and that apply and run
are not enabled until all fields are valid.
g) Click run and verify that the application is launched. Verify that the
machines and jobs views update to the correct states matching the
application's expected configuration. Verify that the selected options
were passed correctly to the application.
h) When the job completes make sure the nodes and jobs views update
correctly. Examine the process output by use of the output views selected
from the jobs view for correctness.
i) Repeat steps d thru h, this time clicking advanced mode. Create a run
script containing appropriate PE or LoadLeveler options settings as if
they were filled in by use of basic mode.and run the application. Make
sure options were passed correctly to the application and the application
runs correctly.


Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
02/28/2008 01:36 PM
Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [ptp-dev] 2.0 Release Planning


Thanks for the info.

Yes, I don't think anyone else has the necessary environment for
testing LL/PE, so it would be good if you could do it. In Eclipse,
unless it's core functionality, it's usually the contributor who has
the most interest in ensuring their contribution works correctly.

Feel free to edit the test plan directly, or send the changes to me
and I can add them.


On Feb 28, 2008, at 9:27 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:


Here's what I think you are looking for.
Is the expectation that I (or my team) would be responsible for
the PE and LoadLeveler plugins as described below?
I think these dates are ok. I don't have anything better. I will be
of unavailable 3/10-3-14 because of the STCI meeting plus other work,
Other than that, I will need to find the time to do this.

1. By 3/5/08, provide:

- a brief list of the major features
1) Invoke a parallel application running interactively under IBM
Environment (PE), optionally using  IBM's LoadLeveler to manage
access to
computing resources
2) Submit a batch job to LoadLeveler
3) Monitor the status of applications run under PE and batch jobs
submitted to LoadLeveler
4) This support is for AIX and Linux on IBM System p hardware
supported by
PE and LoadLeveler as well as on x86 architecture systems supported
by PE
and LoadLeveler

- a brief list of the documentation and other non-code aspects
1) All documentation is provided as online help in the Eclipse
online help
2) The PE and LoadLeveler plugins rely on proxies that run on an AIX
Linux node in the computing cluster. The proxy may need to be built
in a
separate step following PTP installation if the Eclipse software is
installed on a different system, for instance a Microsoft Windows
than the node where the proxy will be run.

- a brief list of non-provisional API's and extension points
These plugins do not export any new/changed API or extension points
- anything else you want in the review

2. Update the 2.0 test plan prior to 3/17/08. The test plan is here:
I think my additions to the test plan would be to verify the correct
operation of the resources tab of the launch configuration, the
manager wizard and the preferences panel for both PE and LoadLeveler
well as verifying correct operation of the existing PTP runtime
views with
both PE and LoadLeveler jobs, with some testing on both AIX and Linux.


Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
02/27/2008 08:56 PM
Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[ptp-dev] 2.0 Release Planning

I think we're now in a position to finalize the 2.0 release, so I'd
like to propose the following timetable:

3/05/08 Release review documentation and legal review completed
3/12/08 PTP 2.0 release review
3/17/08 Final pre-release build
3/17/08 Start testing period
3/24/08 First release respin (if required)
3/28/08 End testing period
3/28/08 Second release respin (if required)
3/31/08 2.0 target release date

Unfortunately the first week of testing coincides with EclipseCon, but
I don't think there's anything we can do about that. Perhaps we can
have an informal test-a-thon at EclipseCon?

To meet this timetable, the following is required from each major
component provider:

1. By 3/5/08, provide:

- a brief list of the major features
- a brief list of the documentation and other non-code aspects
- a brief list of non-provisional API's and extension points
- anything else you want in the review

2. Update the 2.0 test plan prior to 3/17/08. The test plan is here:

3. Undertake some testing during the testing period.

The major component providers are:

Greg Watson - PTP Core
Beth Tibbitts - PLDT
Dave Wootton - PE/LL
Daniel Ferber - Remote Tools
Wyatt Spear - Performance Tools Framework/TAU

Please let me know if this is achievable, or if we need to reschedule
the release.


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