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Re: [ptp-dev] Interest in participating in PTP development

On Nov 27, 2006, at 11:39 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:

I am part of a team in IBM that is planning to contribute code to the PTP project, initially implementing support for running parallel applications using IBM's Parallel Environment and Load Leveler products. Some of you may have met my manager, Ted Hoover at Supercomping 2006 a couple weeks


2) What is the testing model for the PTP project? Does the whole
development team participate in testing? Do you expect the user community to participate in testing? At what points in the development cycle where
testing takes place or is testing done incrementally as the code is

I'll take a crack at this one, but Greg should probably handle the rest. Yes, the whole development team participates in testing. Each developer is responsible for any incremental testing that is done and then a more thorough testing phase is done around a release date (I'm not sure if we have a formal (as in a document) testing plan thought). Thus far I've added a test description for the Fortran Managed build part and JUnit tests for the Fortran 2003 parser that is under development. Overall, I think we need to add more unit tests to the repository.


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