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[ptp-dev] Explanation of model/UI update changes

Again, not yet committed, but just wanted to talk about this bit. When the model sees a major change to it, which is mainly defined as adding a new entity (node, process, job, machine, etc) it will now send a different message to any listeners who are listening on the model (such as the UIs/views). This separate message tells them to check out changes to the structure and not just that there might have been a change of an attribute on an existing entity.

A new node is discovered - this is a major entity change
A node that we already knew about changed state from UP to DOWN (maybe it crashed) - this is a minor change

This all works and stuff, just wanted to tell you guys about it.

-- Nathan
Nathan DeBardeleben, Ph.D.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Parallel Tools Team
High Performance Computing Environments
phone: 505-667-3428
email: ndebard@xxxxxxxx

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